I’ve been writing since I could grab a pencil (remember those?) Then I had kids. Not much time for writing anymore. Until they started school… in New York City. I’m not from here, and the tumult of that experience inspired me. AGE OF ORDER grew from frustration, anger, and hope. Now I write what I’m feeling, and let the rest flow from there. I hope you enjoy it. 
The Things in Books that Inspire Me the Most
- Edmond Dantes in the Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas: Revenge, the most primal of human of emotions, done in style. A man of iron, brought low, who raised himself up, only to once again discover his humility.
- Jimmy the Hand in The Darkness at Sethanon by Raymond Feist: “I’ve had few friends.” I read it as a kid, but that line from a thief about the prince who had befriended him resonated with a bookish outsider like me. I still think about that line, later years, somehow.
- Red Rising by Pierce Brown (including Golden Son and Morning Star): Everything. That a new author could write something so bloodydamn awesome means there is always hope for the debut writers of the world.
- The world created in Shogun by James Clavell: I was there, I swear it. I stopped being a boy reading that massive tomb, and became an observer of actual events. Until I realized I hadn’t eaten all day.
- Ender in Ender’s Game: The young genius outsider who withstood the cruelty of day-to-day life to save humanity. Timeless.
- The love of a father and a son in The Road: I cried in this one, I admit it. I’ve got young boys. I couldn’t help it. McCarthy puts you there, and you have to face what you would do.
- Astro Manufacturing in Privateers by Ben Bova: It was one of the first books I read of my own free choice, and somehow the dream of being a self-made billionaire with his own space station has stayed with me through the decades that followed. I have often wondered if Elon Musk read that book, or something similar, as a kid.
- Syrio Forel in Game of Thrones when he chooses to fight the kingsguard with his wooden sword so that Arya could flee: That scene gives me chills. I love heroic sacrifice. But it worked because Martin made the characters so frakkin’ real.
- Ernest Cline and Ready Player One: Written proof I’m not the biggest sci-fi nerd writing books.
1. Daniela Machado in Age of Order, the tooth scene (no spoilers here, read the book): I love that scene.